A tool to help others.
In line with our social commitment, our digital expertise and our personal experience with someone close to us, we have created Adiccionario.
Adiccionario was born with the intention of helping families who have a family member with addiction issues. We intend to clear the word addiction of all the prejudices and labels associated with it and provide information to families by specialists in the treatment of addictions.
The mechanics are very simple. They are the letters of the alphabet that, when clicked, display words that begin with that letter and show a video in which a specialist (a therapist, a social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, doctor … etc) explain in one minute the meaning of that word in a simple and didactic way.
The platform has its own social networks and an emailing system so that families can sign up and receive a newsletter every time there is a new video.
The reception by the centers, specialists, press and authorities has been spectacular, now we must continue producing content to fill our glossary of terms.