From the dental clinic to Personal Dentistry
Brasilocho is a brand of reference in the field of dental health in Cádiz.
To get there, it has followed, in the field of its communication, a coherent path that has allowed the brand to face the landing in its market of large dental health companies and this path has been none other than to make public its differentiation and specialization in the treatment of patients.
After betting on the concept of “Personal Dentistry” we have established a series of paths that go through SEO, the web, advertising communication, its own social networks, outdoor advertising, corporate communication and punctual collaborations with BQDC, an association to which Brasilocho belongs after overcoming its demanding quality certificates.
With this we have strengthened the brand, built customer loyalty and established a brand communication pattern that is a benchmark in the province of Cádiz and within BQDC’s own associates.