Malaga City Council
Campaign against Gender Violence

Malaga City Council, through the Department of Equal Opportunities, has commissioned a campaign to raise awareness of the support services it provides to victims of gender violence.
The spots, testimonials based on real events, show three examples of violence against women, harassment via mobile phone, physical violence and economic violence.
The videos of the campaign can be seen on billboards and digital clocks, and on the screen of El Corte Inglés in Malaga.
For us it has been a double pleasure: on the one hand, to work in the field of social communication, something we love; on the other hand, we have made our debut as a production company, with Pepe Pérez Dorao, scriptwriter of the testimonials, and Idamor Fernández as director, surrounded by a team created specifically for this audiovisual production.

Agency and production company: Cientochentagrados S.C.And.
Client: Málaga City Council. Department of Equal Opportunities
Creative direction. Maria José Pérez Dorao and Idamor Fernández
Art direction: Idamor Fernández
Copywriting: María José Pérez.
Production: Idamor Fernández
Director of photography: Bart Pérez
Camera: Miguel Vázquez
Sound: Shure Shadadpuri
Actresses: Marina Sánchez Vílchez, Virginia Nolting and Berta de los Ríos
Make-up: Maribel Gutiérrez
Editing and postproduction: Fran Polo
Graphics: Clemente Castells and Álvaro González de Miguel
Sound: Doctorbits
Sound technician: Pedro Pino
Voice actors: Lydia Vicente and Pablo López
Music: Jose Gallardo